top of page we eat determines, to a considerable extent, how the world is used.”

Wendell Berry

Rock Ridge Community

About the Farm


Rock Ridge Community is a seven member intentional community

situated along the Canyon Park Creek in the Mill Creek watershed.

They steward about 176 acres of land that is a mix of managed

forests, restored prairies, hay fields, a sedge meadow, an orchard,

and several vegetable gardens. While their current focus is primarily

on raising food for their own needs, they do have two chicken flocks,

managed for organic egg production. 


Their mission is to "strive to be an enduring, multi-generational,

land-owning community of people whose life together manifests the

shared values of mutual aid and support, shared problem solving,

sustainability, collective land maintenance and educational outreach."

They are just beginning to explore ways they can protect their 

waterways as they thoughtfully design for future sustainable agricultural practices. Their current conservation practices include riparian strips along the creek (CRP land), and planting cover crops on newly cleared land.



Visit Rock Ridge Community for more information.


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